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Google Maps gets a new look

Google keeps on refreshing its product's look for giving users with better navigation, accessibility and design. So now Google updates Google Maps with various changes to colours, icons and also navigation.

Google have updated the driving, navigation, transit and explore maps to better highlight the information most relevant to each experience (think gas stations for navigation, train stations for transit, and so on). Google also updated their color scheme and added new icons to help you quickly identify exactly what kind of point of interest you’re looking at. Places like a café, church, museum or hospital will have a designated color and icon, so that it’s easy to find that type of destination on the map. For example, if you’re in a new neighborhood and searching for a coffee shop, you could open the map to find the nearest orange icon (which is the color for Food & Drink spots).

Google has provided cheat sheet of the new colors and icons to help you get acquainted with the new look:

You’ll notice these changes over the next few weeks in all Google products that include Google Maps, including the Assistant, Search, Earth, and Android Auto. Over time, the new style will also appear in the apps, websites and experiences offered by companies that use Google Maps APIs as well.

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